Friday, June 25, 2010

Mad Max Forsythe

Three months ago the most amazing person entered this world. His name... Max. This blog isn't just to tout all of his merits.. although he has many. It's really more to chronicle raising a baby and figuring each other out along the way. The first photo is Max at three months old. The second picture is Max at five weeks old and the third picture is Max at three days old.

Max's Story

Max was born three minutes after midnight on Easter Sunday. His birth was a little bit of a shock as he was six weeks early and VERY sick. Max had fluid in his abdominal cavity as well as his lungs as a result of an infection I had had early in pregnancy. However he was a little fighter and after a month in the NICU he made his way home to be with mommy and daddy.

At three months Max is still seen by several specialists as he is somewhat of a miracle. As of right now there has been no known damage due to prematurity and is actually advanced in several developmental areas. He is our Million dollar Miracle Man. We do have some lingering health issues that should be resolved come summers end. Max has to have surgery to have a hernia repaired as well as one more visit to the audiologist to have his hearing checked. I'm fairly confident that both of those will come work out great.

Every month ECI, early childhood intervention comes to our house to visit Max. The point of their visits is to ensure that Max is not falling behind developmentally or size wise. As of right now, Max is on the cusp of being on the charts size wise. For his adjusted age he actually is in the 50th percentile. For his actual age he's still below the fifth.

Being a parent is amazing. Everyday is something new.. and while its not always something new AND fun.. It definitely stays interesting. Did you know that no matter how fast you change a little boys diaper.. they're going to pee on you? They make these really cool products now called pee pee tee pees. They go over a little boys penis to avoid the spray of urine. My son is so awesome that when I used this product it just sprayed him in the face. In fact my son has now peed on his face more times than he's peed on me. I've also learned not to change him on my bed at 2am because he WILL get my sheet. Every time.

Max is my new adventure. He's everything I wanted in a little boy and so much more. He's my own little piece of history and I want to do everything I can to make sure his days are filled with adventure and learning. I don't want to be my sons best friends. Nor do I want to be that cool Mom that lets there kid get away with everything. I want to raise a child who is capable of being himself while taking parts of me and my husband along with him. I don't think parenting should be making your child exactly like you.. rather it should be you learning from your child while helping them become who they want to be. We're in for along ride... Approximatley the rest of my life. My son is amazing... and I can't wait to watch him grow.